

Click on the map to place a marker. The marker's coordinates will be converted into: Decimal Degrees (DEC), Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (DMS), and Degrees, Decimal Minutes (DDM). The results will be displayed in the table below. Clicking on a marker will delete it.

Number Decimal Degrees (DEC) Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (DMS) Degrees, Decimal Minutes (DDM)

Functions From MapToolz:

const DEC = MapToolz.toDEC([lat, lng]);
const DMS = MapToolz.toDMS([lat, lng]);
const DDM = MapToolz.toDDM([lat, lng]);

Measure Distance: Place two or more points on the map, select the unit of measurement and click: Measure Distance.

Center Point: Place two or more points on the map. Click: Center Point. The center point coordinates will be displayed in the box and a marker will be placed on the map.

Sort Points: Place a starting point on the map. Click: Sort Points. Five random points will be generated and placed as markers on the map. The distances will be calculated and the results sorted in ascending order in the table below.

Points From To Distance

Functions From MapToolz:

const distance = MapToolz.getDistance(MapToolz.toDEC(points), format);
const center = MapToolz.getCenterPoint(MapToolz.toDEC(points));
const sorted = MapToolz.orderByDistance({ lat, long }, MapToolz.toDEC(points));